JULY 1, 2022 — Chemistry professor Aimin Liu has been awarded a three-year, $495,000 Accomplishment-Based Renewal (ABR) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to advance his research on the body’s metabolic processes using an innovative method that will improve the
Nick Blackmer is a librarian, fact-checker, and researcher with more than 20 years’ experience in consumer-oriented health and wellness content.
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Latest research report, titled “Global D-Glutamic Acid Market Insights 2022 and Forecast 2028, This includes overview and deep study of factors which are considered to have greater influence over future course of the market such as market size, market share, different dynamics of the indust
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/ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – With Destination Sport Experiences inspiring their customers to ‘Do Something Extraordinary’ and OTE Sports with ‘a desire to do things differently’ this new partnership is destined for greatness, creating new opportunities fo